In the next couple of weeks, WBD and other partners will be hosting events that will recognize the critical role played by the Wisconsin office of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) that have helped businesses devastated by the restrictions and shutdowns due to COVID-19. This is happening right around the time of the SBA’s Small Business Week.
Along with the Small Business Administration (SBA) and SCORE, the Wisconsin Small Business Development Center (SBDC), the Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC) and Western Dairyland Economic Opportunity Council – in addition to WBD, six small businesses have been selected that used the financial resources and technical assistance of these organizations during the on-going crisis. The business in the area that was chosen, ORTHDX Natural Fitness, located in Madison, is going to host an event to the public, including local business owners, on Saturday, September 25 at ORTHDX Natural Fitness. David and Sarah Welther, owners of ORTHDX, will be on hand to discuss their collaboration with the SBA and partners.
At these celebrations, WBD will show the video premiere of an interview with the business owner, their SBA stories and much more. Business owners and others are welcome attend to be able to meet their SBA representatives and other partners that can potentially assist their business down the road, whether we are dealing with a pandemic or not. They can learn who to contact, what programs are available and the benefits of doing so. For more information, click here.