Fitchburg’s arts scene is getting more exciting every season, with unique exhibits, live music and hands-on workshops to inspire!

PhotoMidwest Festival
After a hiatus during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Promega Art Showcase returns in 2022, with an amazing Fall exhibit! Teaming up with photography education non-profit PhotoMidwest, The 2022 Promega Fall Art Showcase will host the 12th Biennial PhotoMidwest Festival juried exhibition from September 22-December 2 to highlight the work of more than 60 Midwestern photographers. You can view the exhibit at the Promega Art Showcase gallery space (5445 E. Cheryl Parkway, Fitchburg) and on the PhotoMidwest virtual gallery on the organization’s website. The exhibition is juried by Aline Smithson, an interdisciplinary artist, educator, and editor based in Los Angeles.
Craft Cocktails & Live Entertainment
Yahara Bay Distillers has a full fall schedule with live entertainment, including music, comedy and movies. On September 30th at 8:00pm, the Distillery will host a Hocus Pocus 2 Viewing Party. See the long awaited sequel to the beloved Halloween classic while enjoying a craft cocktail with locally distilled spirits!
The fun continues for the month of October, with live music booked for almost every Friday and Saturday night! Max Neal, The Whiskey Farm, Small Blind Johnny and the Old Oaks are just a few of the bands set to perform. And if you’re in the mood for a laugh, Yahara Bay Distillers will host a Comedy Night on October 28th. For more details, follow them on Facebook!

Artful Felt At Four Winds Farm
This fall, Four Winds Farm will host an exhibition from the Madison Area Felter’s Guild, from September 30th -October 8th. This week-long event will have art and activities for all ages. Join in the fun and sign up for a beginners felting class! Classes will be held throughout the week. Please purchase tickets in advance.
In addition to the activities and workshops, Four Winds Farm’s new gallery space will showcase 50 pieces of felted art, created by 13 Wisconsin artists. The gallery space will be open for viewing and the pieces will be available for purchase! For a complete list of events and workshops, click here.