In fiscal year 2022-2023, The Alliance gave $1.8 million back to its 340+ employer-members through patronage dividends, the highest amount in the cooperative’s history.
As a not-for-profit cooperative, The Alliance is owned and governed by its employer-members. The Alliance helps employers control their healthcare costs while ensuring high-quality care for their employees. “We are careful stewards of the dollars our employer-owners invest in The Alliance,” said Cheryl DeMars, President and CEO. “We work hard to make healthcare more affordable for The Alliance members and their families and are always gratified when we can return a portion of their investment. It’s another reminder that The Alliance is unlike other health benefit alternatives.” Membership growth and lower than expected expenses contributed to a successful year. As a result, The Alliance was able to give a portion of these savings back to each employer-member based on their level of participation in fiscal year 2022-2023. This patronage dividend, called the Cooperative Shareholder Benefit, is determined annually by The Alliance Board of Directors based on performance metrics and recommendations from management.
The Alliance enables employer-members to manage their healthcare spend by assisting them in securing high-value healthcare – better care at a better price – for their employees and their families. The cooperative helps employers design effective benefit plans that encourage their employees to seek care where the quality is good, and the price is low. The Alliance prioritizes educating its employer-members about the lack of a relationship between cost and quality and provides solutions for employers to steer “shoppable” healthcare to providers delivering high value at a reasonable price.
Employer-members of The Alliance are drivers of healthcare innovation and improvement, paving the path toward high-value healthcare. Being a member of the cooperative provides an opportunity for employers to share ideas and concerns with other like-minded employers, brokers, and group purchasers. Employer-members of The Alliance can also contribute to the direction of the cooperative by serving on the Board of Directors or by voting to elect board members.
About The Alliance
The Alliance serves as the voice for self-funded employers who want more control over their healthcare costs. Using Smarter NetworksSM and sophisticated data mining and analysis, they provide transparent, creative approaches to network and benefit plan design to unlock savings where others can’t – or won’t. The Alliance remains a trusted, objective partner for its 340+ employers and their brokers who seek improved access to high-quality healthcare by contracting with a network of 38,000 healthcare providers and doctors across the Midwest.