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Trail Passes

How to Buy State Trail Passes

Biking on Badger

Biking season is upon us and, as a reminder, state trails require a trail pass for non-pedestrian traffic. Passes are required for all people age 16 or older. Wisconsin resident pass fees are $25/annual or $5/daily.

Fitchburg bikeways requiring a trail pass are Badger State Trail, Capital City State Trail and the Military Ridge State Trail. For a complete list of trails in Wisconsin requiring a state pass, click here.

What if I don’t have a state trail pass?

Trail users must purchase their state trail pass before using the trail. There is a $5 surcharge (in addition to the cost of the state trail pass) for anyone who fails to pay for a pass before using the trail. If a trail user refusers to buy a pass or self-register, a citation can be issued.

Where to Buy Your Trail Pass

You can also purchase your state trail pass with a credit card (MasterCard/Visa) by calling (608) 266-2181 between 7:45am-4:30pm.

Visit the Wisconsin DNR site for more information.

Self Registration Stations

Self-registration stations are available at the Capital City Trail and Highway 18/151, just south of the DesignMart, at the parking area of the Badger State Trail and Purcell Road, and at the Capital City Trail parking area at Syene Road and McCoy Road.


capital city trail sign
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